Shearing box in SPH#

This simple example shows how to run an unstratified shearing box simulaiton

 9 import shamrock
11 # If we use the shamrock executable to run this script instead of the python interpreter,
12 # we should not initialize the system as the shamrock executable needs to handle specific MPI logic
13 if not shamrock.sys.is_initialized():
14     shamrock.change_loglevel(1)
15     shamrock.sys.init("0:0")
17 from math import exp
19 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
20 import numpy as np

Initialize context & attach a SPH model to it

25 ctx = shamrock.Context()
26 ctx.pdata_layout_new()
28 model = shamrock.get_Model_SPH(context=ctx, vector_type="f64_3", sph_kernel="M4")

Setup parameters

33 gamma = 5.0 / 3.0
34 rho = 1
35 uint = 1
37 dr = 0.02
38 bmin = (-0.6, -0.6, -0.1)
39 bmax = (0.6, 0.6, 0.1)
40 pmass = -1
42 bmin, bmax = model.get_ideal_fcc_box(dr, bmin, bmax)
43 xm, ym, zm = bmin
44 xM, yM, zM = bmax
46 Omega_0 = 1
47 eta = 0.00
48 q = 3.0 / 2.0
50 shear_speed = -q * Omega_0 * (xM - xm)

Generate the config & init the scheduler

55 cfg = model.gen_default_config()
56 # cfg.set_artif_viscosity_Constant(alpha_u = 1, alpha_AV = 1, beta_AV = 2)
57 # cfg.set_artif_viscosity_VaryingMM97(alpha_min = 0.1,alpha_max = 1,sigma_decay = 0.1, alpha_u = 1, beta_AV = 2)
58 cfg.set_artif_viscosity_VaryingCD10(
59     alpha_min=0.0, alpha_max=1, sigma_decay=0.1, alpha_u=1, beta_AV=2
60 )
61 cfg.set_boundary_shearing_periodic((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), shear_speed)
62 cfg.set_eos_adiabatic(gamma)
63 cfg.add_ext_force_shearing_box(Omega_0=Omega_0, eta=eta, q=q)
64 cfg.set_units(shamrock.UnitSystem())
65 cfg.print_status()
66 model.set_solver_config(cfg)
68 model.init_scheduler(int(1e7), 1)
70 model.resize_simulation_box(bmin, bmax)
----- SPH Solver configuration -----
units :
unit_length      : 1
unit_mass        : 1
unit_current     : 1
unit_temperature : 1
unit_qte         : 1
unit_lumint      : 1
part mass 0 ( can be changed using .set_part_mass() )
cfl force 0
cfl courant 0
--- artificial viscosity config
  Config Type : VaryingCD10 (Cullen & Dehnen 2010)
  alpha_min   = 0
  alpha_max   = 1
  sigma_decay = 0.1
  alpha_u     = 1
  beta_AV     = 2
--- artificial viscosity config (deduced)
EOS config f64_3 :
adiabatic :
gamma 1.6666666666666667
--- Bondaries config
  Config Type : ShearingPeriodic (Stone 2010)
  shear_base   = (1,0,0)
  shear_dir   = (0,1,0)
  shear_speed = -1.8000000000000003
--- Bondaries config config (deduced)

Add the particles & set fields values Note that every field that are not mentionned are set to zero

 76 model.add_cube_fcc_3d(dr, bmin, bmax)
 78 vol_b = (xM - xm) * (yM - ym) * (zM - zm)
 80 totmass = rho * vol_b
 81 # print("Total mass :", totmass)
 83 pmass = model.total_mass_to_part_mass(totmass)
 85 model.set_value_in_a_box("uint", "f64", 1, bmin, bmax)
 86 # model.set_value_in_a_box("vxyz","f64_3", (-10,0,0) , bmin,bmax)
 88 pen_sz = 0.1
 90 mm = 1
 91 MM = 0
 94 def vel_func(r):
 95     global mm, MM
 96     x, y, z = r
 98     s = (x - (xM + xm) / 2) / (xM - xm)
 99     vel = (shear_speed) * s
101     mm = min(mm, vel)
102     MM = max(MM, vel)
104     return (0, vel, 0.0)
105     # return (1,0,0)
108 model.set_field_value_lambda_f64_3("vxyz", vel_func)
109 # print("Current part mass :", pmass)
110 model.set_particle_mass(pmass)
113 tot_u = pmass * model.get_sum("uint", "f64")
114 # print("total u :",tot_u)
116 print(f"v_shear = {shear_speed} | dv = {MM-mm}")
119 model.set_cfl_cour(0.3)
120 model.set_cfl_force(0.25)
Info: Add fcc lattice size : ( 31 34 6 )                                              [SPH][rank=0]
Info: Push particles :                                                              [Model][rank=0]
  rank = 0  patch id=0, add N=6120 particles, coords = (-0.6,-0.6,-0.1) (0.6000000000000002,0.5777945491468365,0.09595917942265422)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 3.71 us    (30.5%)
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1984.00 ns (0.5%)
   patch tree reduce : 1032.00 ns (0.2%)
   gen split merge   : 732.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1182.00 ns (0.3%)
   LB compute        : 407.98 us  (97.3%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1773.00 ns (0.4%)
Info: current particle counts : min =  6120 max =  6120                             [Model][rank=0]
v_shear = -1.8000000000000003 | dv = 1.7700000000000002
123 dump_folder = "_to_trash"
124 import os
126 os.system("mkdir -p " + dump_folder)

Perform the plot

131 def plot():
132     dic = ctx.collect_data()
133     fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(5, 8), sharex=True)
134     fig.suptitle("t = {:.2f}".format(model.get_time()))
135     axs[0].scatter(dic["xyz"][:, 0], dic["xyz"][:, 1], s=1)
136     axs[1].scatter(dic["xyz"][:, 0], dic["vxyz"][:, 1], s=1)
138     axs[0].set_ylabel("y")
139     axs[1].set_ylabel("vy")
140     axs[1].set_xlabel("x")
142     plt.tight_layout()

Performing the timestep loop

148 model.timestep()
150 dt_stop = 0.1
151 for i in range(2):
153     t_target = i * dt_stop
154     # skip if the model is already past the target
155     if model.get_time() > t_target:
156         continue
158     model.evolve_until(i * dt_stop)
160     # Dump name is "dump_xxxx.sham" where xxxx is the timestep
161     model.do_vtk_dump(dump_folder + "/dump_{:04}.vtk".format(i), True)
162     plot()
  • t = 0.00
  • t = 0.10
---------------- t = 0, dt = 0 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 13.97 us   (1.6%)
   patch tree reduce : 3.51 us    (0.4%)
   gen split merge   : 721.00 ns  (0.1%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1273.00 ns (0.1%)
   LB compute        : 836.56 us  (96.2%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 2.17 us    (0.2%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 3.81 us    (69.6%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 0.741503267973856
Warning: smoothing length is not converged, rerunning the iterator ...    [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
     largest h = 0.022000000000000002 unconverged cnt = 6120
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 0.7684640522875816
Warning: smoothing length is not converged, rerunning the iterator ...    [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
     largest h = 0.024200000000000003 unconverged cnt = 6120
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 0.7684640522875816
Warning: smoothing length is not converged, rerunning the iterator ...    [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
     largest h = 0.026620000000000005 unconverged cnt = 6120
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 0.794607843137255
Warning: smoothing length is not converged, rerunning the iterator ...    [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
     largest h = 0.029282000000000006 unconverged cnt = 6120
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 0.8504901960784312
Warning: smoothing length is not converged, rerunning the iterator ...    [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
     largest h = 0.03221020000000001 unconverged cnt = 6120
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.320424836601307
Warning: smoothing length is not converged, rerunning the iterator ...    [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
     largest h = 0.03543122000000001 unconverged cnt = 6120
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.320424836601307
Warning: smoothing length is not converged, rerunning the iterator ...    [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
     largest h = 0.038974342000000016 unconverged cnt = 6120
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4184640522875813
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 2.8314338416863407e-07, max = 2.831433850588215e-07
  iterations = 3
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (0,0.004154393760827157,0)
    sum a = (5.594447467541066e-17,1.3411735915250473e-18,0.005082303061895432)
    sum e = 0.3143698998713959
    sum de = 9.604356448640085e-05
Info: cfl dt = 0.00011089173088629873 cfl multiplier : 0.01                    [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    2.5678e+04    |        6120 |   2.383e-01   |    6 % |   1 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 0 (tsim/hr)                                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: iteration since start : 1                                                       [SPH][rank=0]
Info: time since start : 8.366212518000001 (s)                                        [SPH][rank=0]
Info: dump to _to_trash/dump_0000.vtk                                            [VTK Dump][rank=0]
              - took 5.66 ms, bandwidth = 86.71 MB/s
adding ->  xyz
adding ->  vxyz
adding ->  axyz
adding ->  axyz_ext
adding ->  hpart
adding ->  uint
adding ->  duint
adding ->  alpha_AV
adding ->  divv
adding ->  dtdivv
adding ->  curlv
adding ->  soundspeed
---------------- t = 0, dt = 0.00011089173088629873 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 9.19 us    (0.4%)
   patch tree reduce : 1583.00 ns (0.1%)
   gen split merge   : 972.00 ns  (0.0%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1333.00 ns (0.1%)
   LB compute        : 2.24 ms    (99.0%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 2.14 us    (0.1%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.19 us    (71.8%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4470588235294115
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 1.5839830969886152e-09, max = 3.408253654510689e-09
  iterations = 0
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (6.203777486236894e-21,-4.3007972628265963e-17,5.635853834223204e-07)
    sum a = (5.231785487486977e-17,1.3229948647768492e-18,0.0050823030306469666)
    sum e = 0.31436991054897867
    sum de = 9.744668853644791e-05
Info: cfl dt = 0.0037703106533756884 cfl multiplier : 0.34                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    5.7805e+04    |        6120 |   1.059e-01   |   13 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 3.770673008501662 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.00011089173088629873, dt = 0.0037703106533756884 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 3.53 us    (1.0%)
   patch tree reduce : 992.00 ns  (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 721.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1072.00 ns (0.3%)
   LB compute        : 324.11 us  (95.9%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1753.00 ns (0.5%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1873.00 ns (67.3%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4388888888888887
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 7.172685023217074e-12, max = 3.3201651540132534e-11
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (2.0325728281798964e-19,3.778270492576636e-18,1.9725446641821525e-05)
    sum a = (6.397365274293921e-17,-6.787525031824126e-18,0.005082264782670167)
    sum e = 0.3143702833343977
    sum de = 0.00013824059786473963
Info: cfl dt = 0.006209449394346196 cfl multiplier : 0.56                      [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.0750e+05    |        6120 |   5.693e-02   |   24 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 238.40578394038445 (tsim/hr)                            [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.003881202384261987, dt = 0.006209449394346196 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 3.36 us    (0.9%)
   patch tree reduce : 1393.00 ns (0.4%)
   gen split merge   : 711.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1443.00 ns (0.4%)
   LB compute        : 373.85 us  (96.4%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1743.00 ns (0.4%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1894.00 ns (72.4%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4367647058823527
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 2.3294096404573666e-10, max = 1.0880275964821347e-09
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (6.224711283709493e-19,-8.32023395705706e-18,5.128344051510259e-05)
    sum a = (5.25651254242741e-17,-3.3428249753164246e-20,0.005082044319848335)
    sum e = 0.3143712315922659
    sum de = 0.00020394600495906779
Info: cfl dt = 0.00783459684767434 cfl multiplier : 0.7066666666666667         [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.1044e+05    |        6120 |   5.541e-02   |   24 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 403.39932541462275 (tsim/hr)                            [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.010090651778608184, dt = 0.00783459684767434 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.48 us    (0.7%)
   patch tree reduce : 1001.00 ns (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 992.00 ns  (0.3%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1192.00 ns (0.4%)
   LB compute        : 320.03 us  (96.0%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1574.00 ns (0.5%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1884.00 ns (68.9%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4455882352941174
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 1.3550983973723722e-09, max = 6.545525037921152e-09
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (9.98905088561951e-19,-1.9011935563710095e-17,9.109852444675985e-05)
    sum a = (4.523687588261345e-17,2.304925168581382e-18,0.0050814865698827275)
    sum e = 0.3143730498982785
    sum de = 0.00028163943820289474
Info: cfl dt = 0.008916682434912383 cfl multiplier : 0.8044444444444444        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.0740e+05    |        6120 |   5.698e-02   |   24 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 494.972585426609 (tsim/hr)                              [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.017925248626282524, dt = 0.008916682434912383 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.58 us    (0.7%)
   patch tree reduce : 972.00 ns  (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 721.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1212.00 ns (0.3%)
   LB compute        : 354.45 us  (96.7%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1763.00 ns (0.5%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1814.00 ns (70.2%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4475490196078429
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 3.615264058360426e-09, max = 1.8821916322165856e-08
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (1.3738210882704364e-18,-1.3143557990133617e-17,0.00013640634161461517)
    sum a = (7.034830662981827e-17,5.085529473676747e-19,0.005080472285302091)
    sum e = 0.31437589351354017
    sum de = 0.00036085682195507605
Info: cfl dt = 0.009636396780122314 cfl multiplier : 0.8696296296296296        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.0831e+05    |        6120 |   5.651e-02   |   25 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 568.0871261771586 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.026841931061194906, dt = 0.009636396780122314 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.26 us    (0.7%)
   patch tree reduce : 1042.00 ns (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 631.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1293.00 ns (0.4%)
   LB compute        : 327.37 us  (96.8%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1442.00 ns (0.4%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1953.00 ns (71.1%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4460784313725488
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 5.752376507485498e-09, max = 3.4459765836674773e-08
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (2.163852361168645e-18,-2.9341887867882385e-18,0.00018535926635944897)
    sum a = (3.9036266744779485e-17,9.514917308869544e-18,0.00507892197655579)
    sum e = 0.3143797778012691
    sum de = 0.00043296546533910536
Info: cfl dt = 0.010114315298959963 cfl multiplier : 0.9130864197530864        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.0836e+05    |        6120 |   5.648e-02   |   25 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 614.2347164809238 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.03647832784131722, dt = 0.010114315298959963 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.87 us    (0.9%)
   patch tree reduce : 1072.00 ns (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 1012.00 ns (0.3%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1232.00 ns (0.4%)
   LB compute        : 308.78 us  (95.9%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1693.00 ns (0.5%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1974.00 ns (69.1%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4460784313725488
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 5.818251260610762e-09, max = 4.4864233628056496e-08
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (2.4088554762683813e-18,-3.215549355384371e-17,0.0002367216149140455)
    sum a = (2.5983146080266055e-17,6.463835138532299e-18,0.005076787484773816)
    sum e = 0.31438460229587495
    sum de = 0.0004912658954562357
Info: cfl dt = 0.010430975181113323 cfl multiplier : 0.9420576131687243        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.0986e+05    |        6120 |   5.571e-02   |   25 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 653.6215177610679 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.04659264314027718, dt = 0.010430975181113323 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.44 us    (0.7%)
   patch tree reduce : 972.00 ns  (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 721.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1182.00 ns (0.4%)
   LB compute        : 324.61 us  (96.4%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1633.00 ns (0.5%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1833.00 ns (63.1%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4483660130718952
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 3.405816618081674e-09, max = 4.291085486000014e-08
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (2.6130656266759396e-18,-8.038873388460927e-18,0.0002896666647060651)
    sum a = (5.3219853979545236e-17,-7.658911013459454e-19,0.005074042169531997)
    sum e = 0.31439017751077075
    sum de = 0.0005310720353438918
Info: cfl dt = 0.010640242990136689 cfl multiplier : 0.9613717421124829        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.1429e+05    |        6120 |   5.355e-02   |   25 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 701.2919379193906 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.0570236183213905, dt = 0.010640242990136689 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1904.00 ns (0.6%)
   patch tree reduce : 631.00 ns  (0.2%)
   gen split merge   : 842.00 ns  (0.3%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 391.00 ns  (0.1%)
   LB compute        : 300.11 us  (97.4%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1072.00 ns (0.3%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1843.00 ns (69.7%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4483660130718952
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 6.124547504410652e-10, max = 2.9116102549298296e-08
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (3.323924987345019e-18,3.89885359340355e-18,0.00034364138817451)
    sum a = (5.649192666344223e-17,-3.43724641055052e-18,0.0050706729699212276)
    sum e = 0.3143962517375111
    sum de = 0.0005501730733550044
Info: cfl dt = 0.010583003685891918 cfl multiplier : 0.9742478280749886        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.1301e+05    |        6120 |   5.416e-02   |   25 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 707.3054853144691 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.06766386131152718, dt = 0.010583003685891918 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.06 us    (0.6%)
   patch tree reduce : 721.00 ns  (0.2%)
   gen split merge   : 511.00 ns  (0.1%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1002.00 ns (0.3%)
   LB compute        : 354.23 us  (97.3%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1203.00 ns (0.3%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1944.00 ns (72.9%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4460784313725488
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 2.5824263963789616e-10, max = 1.7626187500316622e-08
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (3.93951898808346e-18,-1.535424817196037e-17,0.0003972864143538683)
    sum a = (3.726897067328503e-17,-8.11989015932901e-18,0.005066752443936437)
    sum e = 0.31440241760719223
    sum de = 0.0005615715602513876
Info: cfl dt = 0.010635095941600734 cfl multiplier : 0.9828318853833258        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    9.1693e+04    |        6120 |   6.674e-02   |   21 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 570.8175162894954 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.0782468649974191, dt = 0.010635095941600734 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.75 us    (0.8%)
   patch tree reduce : 882.00 ns  (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 541.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 871.00 ns  (0.3%)
   LB compute        : 319.35 us  (96.3%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1502.00 ns (0.5%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1793.00 ns (69.1%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4477124183006533
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 1.063013287428339e-09, max = 6.683179663726466e-09
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (4.231948708513313e-18,-2.4036231431498173e-17,0.0004511510672369986)
    sum a = (5.672806856922826e-17,-1.2727169470090679e-17,0.005062240947242886)
    sum e = 0.3144087119423163
    sum de = 0.0005739543750557096
Info: cfl dt = 0.01065239461758592 cfl multiplier : 0.9885545902555505         [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.1103e+05    |        6120 |   5.512e-02   |   24 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 694.5941337960382 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.08888196093901984, dt = 0.01065239461758592 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.60 us    (0.8%)
   patch tree reduce : 1011.00 ns (0.3%)
   gen split merge   : 812.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1082.00 ns (0.3%)
   LB compute        : 312.85 us  (96.2%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1532.00 ns (0.5%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1724.00 ns (70.5%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4452614379084965
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 2.3014687575276834e-10, max = 6.215082073176272e-09
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (4.945320217116286e-18,-6.3105156099418285e-18,0.0005050520653562439)
    sum a = (5.862348418535131e-17,-2.6465164465081974e-17,0.005057148148467414)
    sum e = 0.3144151462463684
    sum de = 0.0005908429305552631
Info: cfl dt = 0.010647033142926742 cfl multiplier : 0.9923697268370336        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.1246e+05    |        6120 |   5.442e-02   |   25 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 704.6957953728929 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
---------------- t = 0.09953435555660577, dt = 0.00046564444339423916 ----------------
Info: summary :                                                               [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "psweep" : max = 6120 min = 6120                            [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info:  - strategy "round robin" : max = 6120 min = 6120                       [LoadBalance][rank=0]
Info: Loadbalance stats :                                                     [LoadBalance][rank=0]
    npatch = 1
    min = 6120
    max = 6120
    avg = 6120
    efficiency = 100.00%
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 2.51 us    (0.8%)
   patch tree reduce : 1322.00 ns (0.4%)
   gen split merge   : 691.00 ns  (0.2%)
   split / merge op  : 0/0
   apply split merge : 1092.00 ns (0.3%)
   LB compute        : 319.97 us  (96.3%)
   LB move op cnt    : 0
   LB apply          : 1493.00 ns (0.4%)
Info: Scheduler step timings :                                                  [Scheduler][rank=0]
   metadata sync     : 1783.00 ns (70.9%)
Warning: High interface/patch volume ratio.                                  [InterfaceGen][rank=0]
    This can lead to high mpi overhead, try to increase the patch split crit
    patch 0 high interf/patch volume: 1.4452614379084965
Info: smoothing length iteration converged                                [Smoothinglength][rank=0]
  eps min = 1.070497074119593e-11, max = 7.460773316977103e-07
  iterations = 1
Info: conservation infos :                                                     [sph::Model][rank=0]
    sum v = (4.9810398205513415e-18,-1.812765949097939e-17,0.0005073797730398668)
    sum a = (5.162966433739031e-17,-7.352428965524382e-18,0.005056912438152854)
    sum e = 0.3144144614858832
    sum de = 0.0005914932822185223
Info: cfl dt = 0.010671519169061264 cfl multiplier : 0.9949131512246892        [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: processing rate infos :                                                  [sph::Model][rank=0]
| rank |  rate  (N.s^-1)  |     Nobj    | t compute (s) | interf | alloc |  mem (max) |
| 0    |    1.1441e+05    |        6120 |   5.349e-02   |   25 % |   0 % |   10.01 MB |
Info: estimated rate : 31.33876895274668 (tsim/hr)                             [sph::Model][rank=0]
Info: iteration since start : 14                                                      [SPH][rank=0]
Info: time since start : 9.297664784 (s)                                              [SPH][rank=0]
Info: dump to _to_trash/dump_0001.vtk                                            [VTK Dump][rank=0]
              - took 2.57 ms, bandwidth = 191.19 MB/s
adding ->  xyz
adding ->  vxyz
adding ->  axyz
adding ->  axyz_ext
adding ->  hpart
adding ->  uint
adding ->  duint
adding ->  alpha_AV
adding ->  divv
adding ->  dtdivv
adding ->  curlv
adding ->  soundspeed

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.324 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 79 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery