Testing AABB intersection routine#

This example shows how to use AABB intersection and plot it in matplotlib

10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
11 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection, Poly3DCollection
13 import shamrock
18 def draw_aabb(ax, aabb, color, alpha):
19     """
20     Draw a 3D AABB in matplotlib
22     Parameters
23     ----------
24     ax : matplotlib.Axes3D
25         The axis to draw the AABB on
26     aabb : shamrock.math.AABB_f64_3
27         The AABB to draw
28     color : str
29         The color of the AABB
30     alpha : float
31         The transparency of the AABB
32     """
33     xmin, ymin, zmin = aabb.lower()
34     xmax, ymax, zmax = aabb.upper()
36     points = [
37         aabb.lower(),
38         (aabb.lower()[0], aabb.lower()[1], aabb.upper()[2]),
39         (aabb.lower()[0], aabb.upper()[1], aabb.lower()[2]),
40         (aabb.lower()[0], aabb.upper()[1], aabb.upper()[2]),
41         (aabb.upper()[0], aabb.lower()[1], aabb.lower()[2]),
42         (aabb.upper()[0], aabb.lower()[1], aabb.upper()[2]),
43         (aabb.upper()[0], aabb.upper()[1], aabb.lower()[2]),
44         aabb.upper(),
45     ]
47     faces = [
48         [points[0], points[1], points[3], points[2]],
49         [points[4], points[5], points[7], points[6]],
50         [points[0], points[1], points[5], points[4]],
51         [points[2], points[3], points[7], points[6]],
52         [points[0], points[2], points[6], points[4]],
53         [points[1], points[3], points[7], points[5]],
54     ]
56     edges = [
57         [points[0], points[1]],
58         [points[0], points[2]],
59         [points[0], points[4]],
60         [points[1], points[3]],
61         [points[1], points[5]],
62         [points[2], points[3]],
63         [points[2], points[6]],
64         [points[3], points[7]],
65         [points[4], points[5]],
66         [points[4], points[6]],
67         [points[5], points[7]],
68         [points[6], points[7]],
69     ]
71     collection = Poly3DCollection(faces, alpha=alpha, color=color)
72     ax.add_collection3d(collection)
74     edge_collection = Line3DCollection(edges, color="k", alpha=alpha)
75     ax.add_collection3d(edge_collection)
80 fig = plt.figure()
81 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
83 aabb1 = shamrock.math.AABB_f64_3((-1.0, -1.0, -1.0), (2.0, 2.0, 2.0))
84 aabb2 = shamrock.math.AABB_f64_3((-2.0, -2.0, -2.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
86 draw_aabb(ax, aabb1, "b", 0.1)
87 draw_aabb(ax, aabb2, "r", 0.1)
88 draw_aabb(ax, aabb1.get_intersect(aabb2), "g", 0.5)
90 ax.set_xlabel("X")
91 ax.set_ylabel("Y")
92 ax.set_zlabel("Z")
94 ax.set_xlim(-2, 2)
95 ax.set_ylim(-2, 2)
96 ax.set_zlim(-2, 2)
98 plt.show()
run aabb interesect

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.368 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 71 MB

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