Open a phantom dump#

This simple example shows how to open a phantom dump in shamrock

Download a phantom dump

10 dump_folder = "_to_trash"
11 import os
13 os.system("mkdir -p " + dump_folder)
15 url = ""
17 filename = dump_folder + "/blast_00010"
19 from urllib.request import urlretrieve
21 urlretrieve(url, filename)
('_to_trash/blast_00010', <http.client.HTTPMessage object at 0x7f8ed94296a0>)

Open the phantom dump

26 import shamrock
28 dump = shamrock.load_phantom_dump(filename)

Print the data

--- dump state ---
table_header_fort_int len  = 22
nparttot         576
ntypes           8
npartoftype      576
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
nblocks          1
nptmass          0
ndustlarge       0
ndustsmall       0
idust            7
idtmax_n         1
idtmax_frac      0
idumpfile        10
majorv           2023
minorv           0
microv           0
isink            0
table_header_i8 len        = 0
table_header_i16 len       = 0
table_header_i32 len       = 2
iexternalforce   0
ieos             2
table_header_i64 len       = 10
nparttot         576
ntypes           8
npartoftype      576
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
npartoftype      0
table_header_fort_real len = 37
gamma            1.6666666666666667
RK2              0
polyk2           0
qfacdisc         0.75
qfacdisc2        0.75
time             0.050000000000000225
dtmax            0.005
rhozero          1
hfact            1.2
tolh             0.0001
C_cour           0.3
C_force          0.25
alpha            0
alphau           1
alphaB           1
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
massoftype       0.001726334915006219
Bextx            0
Bexty            0
Bextz            0
dum              0
xmin             -0.5
xmax             0.5
ymin             -0.4871392896287467
ymax             0.4871392896287467
zmin             -0.5103103630798287
zmax             0.5103103630798287
get_conserv      -1
etot_in          1.0000000000000013
angtot_in        0
totmom_in        0
table_header_f32 len       = 0
table_header_f64 len       = 4
udist            1
umass            1
utime            1
umagfd           3.5449077018167907
block  0 :
--blocks_fort_int --
--blocks_i8       --
--blocks_i16      --
--blocks_i32      --
--blocks_i64      --
tag = iorig            size = 576
tag = x                size = 576
tag = y                size = 576
tag = z                size = 576
tag = vx               size = 576
tag = vy               size = 576
tag = vz               size = 576
tag = u                size = 576
--blocks_f32      --
tag = h                size = 576
tag = alpha            size = 576
tag = divv             size = 576
--blocks_f64      --
block  1 :
--blocks_fort_int --
--blocks_i8       --
--blocks_i16      --
--blocks_i32      --
--blocks_i64      --
--blocks_f32      --
--blocks_f64      --

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.347 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 72 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery