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Shamrock usage

Running the main executable

If you run ./shamrock --help, you will see the following :

executable : ./shamrock

Usage :
--benchmark-mpi                 : micro benchmark for MPI
--color                         : force colored ouput
--force-dgpu-off                 : for direct mpi comm off
--force-dgpu-on                 : for direct mpi comm on
--help                          : show this message
--ipython                       : run shamrock in Ipython mode
--loglevel      (logvalue)      : specify a log level
--nocolor                       : disable colored ouput
--rscript       (filepath)      : run shamrock with python runscirpt
--sycl-cfg      (idcomp:idalt)  : specify the compute & alt queue index
--sycl-ls                       : list available devices
--sycl-ls-map                   : list available devices & list of queue bindings

Env variables :
  SHAMLOGFORMATTER              : Change the log formatter (values :0-3)
  NO_COLOR                      : Disable colors (if no color cli args are passed)
  CLICOLOR_FORCE                : Enable colors (if no color cli args are passed)
  TERM                          : Terminal emulator identifier
    = xterm-kitty
  COLORTERM                     : Terminal color support identifier
    = truecolor
  SHAMTTYCOL                    : Set tty assumed column count

Env deduced vars :
  isatty = Yes
  color = enabled
  tty size = 45x133

Most of those options are just changing the configuration of the code at runtime and will be explained later.

To start you must find a configuration that works try running ./shamrock --sycl-cfg 0:0, which target sycl device 0 with all the queues (see later for detailed explanation of the queue configurations).

If everything works you should see something like :

  █████████  █████   █████   █████████   ██████   ██████ ███████████      ███████      █████████  █████   ████
 ███░░░░░███░░███   ░░███   ███░░░░░███ ░░██████ ██████ ░░███░░░░░███   ███░░░░░███   ███░░░░░███░░███   ███░
░███    ░░░  ░███    ░███  ░███    ░███  ░███░█████░███  ░███    ░███  ███     ░░███ ███     ░░░  ░███  ███
░░█████████  ░███████████  ░███████████  ░███░░███ ░███  ░██████████  ░███      ░███░███          ░███████
 ░░░░░░░░███ ░███░░░░░███  ░███░░░░░███  ░███ ░░░  ░███  ░███░░░░░███ ░███      ░███░███          ░███░░███
 ███    ░███ ░███    ░███  ░███    ░███  ░███      ░███  ░███    ░███ ░░███     ███ ░░███     ███ ░███ ░░███
░░█████████  █████   █████ █████   █████ █████     █████ █████   █████ ░░░███████░   ░░█████████  █████ ░░████
 ░░░░░░░░░  ░░░░░   ░░░░░ ░░░░░   ░░░░░ ░░░░░     ░░░░░ ░░░░░   ░░░░░    ░░░░░░░      ░░░░░░░░░  ░░░░░   ░░░░


Git infos :
     commit : 8e5baddbc044867ebd42754410d186eb319d9ede
     HEAD   : refs/heads/feature/htol-bump-init, refs/remotes/origin/feature/htol-bump-init
     modified files (since last commit):

MPI status :
 - MPI & SYCL init : Ok
 - MPI ROCM-AWARE : Unknown
 - MPI use Direct Comm : Yes
 - MPI use Direct Comm : Working
log status :
 - Loglevel : 0 , enabled log types :
     [xxx] : xxx ( logger::normal )
     [xxx] Warning : xxx ( logger::warn )
     [xxx] Error : xxx ( logger::err )
 - Code init DONE now it's time to ROCK
 - MPI finalize
Exiting ...

 Hopefully it was quick :')

Which mean that the executable did run, and the self check worked, but you didn't ask anything to shamrock.

Running in Ipython mode

Assuming you are running on device 0 still, to run in ipython mode do simply : ./shamrock --sycl-cfg 0:0, which should give a similar output as previously but ending with :

-------------- ipython ---------------------
SHAMROCK Ipython terminal
Python 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC 12.2.0]

import shamrock

In [1]:

From that point just type ìmport shamrock in that Ipython terminal to initialise the python interoperability.

For exemple you can querry informations about the status of the code :

In [1]: import shamrock

In [2]: print(shamrock.get_git_info())
     commit : 8e5baddbc044867ebd42754410d186eb319d9ede
     HEAD   : refs/heads/feature/htol-bump-init, refs/remotes/origin/feature/htol-bump-init
     modified files (since last commit):

Running a runscript

An other possibility (the one that is the most used also) is to start a runscript, which is just a python script starting that will be executed by shamrock, for exemple this is a very basic script that get the SPH model with M6 kernel and just start the patch scheduler on it.

import shamrock

ctx = shamrock.Context()

model = shamrock.get_Model_SPH(context = ctx, vector_type = "f64_3",sph_kernel = "M6")

cfg = model.gen_default_config()
cfg.set_artif_viscosity_VaryingCD10(alpha_min = 0.0,alpha_max = 1,sigma_decay = 0.1, alpha_u = 1, beta_AV = 2)


Running on multiple nodes

For exemple on a cluster using OARsub the command to run

mpirun -machinefile $OAR_NODEFILE --bind-to socket -npernode 2 sh

Here mpirun is the standard command to start a program using MPI (to start multiple process that can work together using MPI library). -machinefile is used to specify the layout of the nodes that will be used by MPI (if you have reserved 10 nodes for exemple this is the list of nodes available). Starting from OpenMPI 4 --bind-to specify the list of CPU cores that are used by each process started by MPI, here --bind-to socket tell MPI that each process should be attach to a socket. On the machine used is the exemple there are 2 CPUs per nodes therefor to start one process per CPU one should use --bind-to socket -npernode 2, where a socket refer to the "slot" where the CPU is installed (2 on this system). Here sh is just the command launched by each process here runscript is :

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/grid5000/spack/v1/opt/spack/linux-debian11-x86_64_v2/gcc-10.4.0/llvm-13.0.1-i53qugtbmlvnfi6tppnc7bresushxg2j/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export OMP_SCHEDULE="dynamic"

./shamrock --sycl-cfg 0:0 --loglevel 1 --rscript ../exemples/

Sadly hardware and software may differ greatly from clusters to clusters see Cluster for details on known clusters.