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Getting Started

Shamrock Download

You have two options: Using your fork of shamrock,Using the main repo

git clone --recurse-submodules
If you want to use your fork clone it using (replace <login> by your github username):
git clone --recurse-submodules<login>/Shamrock.git

One of the easiest way to get started is to use the Shamrock environments which setup SYCL compiler and configure/compile shamrock for you.

AdaptiveCpp setup

First start by checking that you have the right packages installed on your system

Installation instruction

To install recommanded package to compile AdaptiveCpp

If you don't have llvm (...) :

wget --progress=bar:force
chmod +x
sudo ./ 16
sudo apt install -y libclang-16-dev clang-tools-16 libomp-16-dev
sudo rm -r /usr/lib/clang/16*
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/llvm-16/lib/clang/16 /usr/lib/clang/16

for the other requirements :

sudo apt install cmake libboost-all-dev python3-ipython

brew install cmake libomp boost open-mpi tdavidcl/adaptivecpp/adaptivecpp

Nothing to do at this stage

First use of the environments

Now you can initialise a Shamrock environment:

./env/new-env --builddir build --machine debian-generic.acpp -- --backend omp
./env/new-env --builddir build --machine macos-generic.acpp -- --backend omp
./env/new-env --machine conda.acpp --builddir build -- --backend omp

And then to configure & compile Shamrock:

# Now move in the build directory
cd build
# Activate the workspace, which will define some utility functions
source ./activate
# Configure Shamrock
# Build Shamrock

Wait ??? What happened ?

The first step is the new-env script which given a build folder and a machine (describe a system to compile on) will setup the build directory with everything required to compile Shamrock. Typically the machine argument allows specializing the configuration to specific systems (eg. debian-generic.acpp,,, ...). The end goal of the environment is to setup all the exports, or modules loads on supercomputers through a common script.

When running the first step it will print something close to :

> ./env/new-env --builddir build --machine debian-generic.acpp -- --backend omp
loading : Debian generic AdaptiveCpp
Running env setup for : Debian generic AdaptiveCpp
-- setting acpp target to : omp
-- generator not specified, defaulting to : ninja
-- clonning
And then it will go on configuring & compiling AdaptiveCpp and give you a handy little script ... activate available in the build folder.

Now move in the build directory :

cd build

Activate the workspace, which will define some utility bash functions:

source ./activate

For exemple you have access to:

  • setupcompiler : which setup the compiler
  • updatecompiler : which update the compiler then recompile it
  • shamconfigure : configure shamrock
  • shammake : build Shamrock

The cool thing is that the Cmake command to build Shamrock can get quite complex for some configuration, the use of environments especially the shamconfigure command completely hides it. When a new supercomputer appears we just have to write a environment script for it, and then its done.

Check that everything is running fine

Does the executable start ?

./shamrock --help
./shamrock_test --help

Both commands should just print the help.

Quick fixes

Error while loading shared libraries

If you get something like :

> ./shamrock
./shamrock: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You have missing libraries in the path, you can check that this is the case using the following command :

ldd shamrock | grep "not found"

if any libraries are not in the path it will print something like:

> ldd shamrock | grep "not found" => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found

just do export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path to lib>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH with <path to lib> replaced by the path to the missing libraries.


If you want to setup the code with GPUs or do any advanced configuration please heads to those guides : ...