PSMN guide¶
Sorry if this is complicated but the PSMN does not really help the process, sadly ... It is definitely harder than on most clusters out there
Getting a copy of shamrock on the PSMN¶
First clone the Shamrock repository :
git clone --recurse-submodules<github username>/Shamrock.git
then you need to upload it to the PSMN, to do so first tar it, copy it to the PSMN, and then untar.
tar -cvf Shamrock.tar.gz Shamrock
scp Shamrock.tar.gz tdavidcl@allo-psmn:/home/<psmn username>
Now log on the psmn :
ssh <psmn username>@allo-psmn
tar -xvf Shamrock.tar.gz
Setup of the enviroment¶
Ok now we are getting into the tricky part, there is multiple steps :
- Compiler toolchain setup (LLVM 17)
- boost setup
- Adaptive Cpp setup
- Shamrock setup
First log on a compilation node (ex : ssh s92node0
for cascade lake) :
ssh <compilation node>
Loading the modules¶
module use /applis/PSMN/debian11/Cascade/modules/all
module load GCC/11.2.0
module load GCCcore/11.2.0
module load CMake/3.22.1-GCCcore-11.2.0
module load Boost/1.77.0-GCC-11.2.0
LLVM 17¶
Trust me bro moment, just run this :
cd $HOME
tar -xvf llvm-project-17.0.1.src.tar.xz
cd $HOME/llvm-project-17.0.1.src
mkdir build
cd $HOME/llvm-project-17.0.1.src/build
cmake \
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="llvm;clang;clang-tools-extra;openmp;polly;libc" \
-DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES="libc;libcxx;libcxxabi" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/llvm-17.x-local" \
-G "Unix Makefiles" \
make -j install
git clone
cd into it :
cd ShamrockWorkspace
activate it to register some script binary in the path :
source ./activate
then run this :
cd $HOME/ShamrockWorkspace/sycl_compiler_gits
git clone
cd $HOME/ShamrockWorkspace/sycl_compiler_gits/AdaptiveCpp
cmake \
-DCLANG_EXECUTABLE_PATH=$HOME/llvm-17.x-local/bin/clang++ \
-DLLVM_DIR=$HOME/llvm-17.x-local/lib/cmake/llvm \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/ShamrockWorkspace/sycl_compilers/acpp \
-B build \
cd build
make -j install
Then go back to the main folder
cd $HOME/ShamrockWorkspace
Now that Acpp is compiled rerun activate
source ./activate
mv $HOME/Shamrock $HOME/ShamrockWorkspace
Configure shamrock¶
Because of the PSMN weirdness we have to use a weird config :
python3 Shamrock/buildbot/ --gen make --tests --build release \
--builddir Shamrock/build_config/acpp_omp_release \
--cxxpath $WORKSPACEDIR/sycl_compilers/acpp \
--compiler acpp \
--profile omp \
Compiling shamrock¶
cd $HOME/ShamrockWorkspace/Shamrock/build_config/acpp_omp_release
make -j
Try running shamrock and the tests¶
export omp path :
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/llvm-17.x-local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
run the tests :
./shamrock_test --sycl-cfg 0:0
Slurm scripts :¶
Slurm script exemple :
slurm_script | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
write it in a file and then do sbatch <slurm script>