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Sycl tricks

SYCL in-order queues

sycl::queue q {..., sycl::property::queue::in_order}

Dealing with sycl accessors in loop macros

SYCL parralel for

shamsys::instance::get_compute_queue().submit([&](sycl::handler & cgh){

    sycl::accessor ...

    passing variables

    cgh.parallel_for([](sycl::range) ...,[=](sycl::item ...){
        ... kernel space

Accessor class design

struct CustomAcc{
    sycl::accessor ...
    passing variables

//withing a function templated on the accessor and the functor
shamsys::instance::get_compute_queue().submit([&](sycl::handler & cgh){

    CustomAcc local = acc_arg;

    cgh.parallel_for([](sycl::range) ...,[=](sycl::item ... gid){
       func(gid, acc_arg);


double v0, v1, v2, v3;
for (i=threadIdx.x, ctr=0; i<imax; i+= BLOCKDIMX, ctr++) {
  ctr_mod = ctr%4;
  if (ctr_mod==0) { // only fill the buffer each 4th iteration
    v0=arr[i+0* BLOCKDIMX];
    v1=arr[i+1* BLOCKDIMX];
    v2=arr[i+2* BLOCKDIMX];
    v3=arr[i+3* BLOCKDIMX];
  switch (ctr_mod) { // pull one value out of the prefetched batch
    case 0: locvar = v0; break;
    case 1: locvar = v1; break;
    case 2: locvar = v2; break;
    case 3: locvar = v3; break;
  <lots of instructions using locvar, for example, transcendentals>