Setup graph for SPH¶
After being way to annoyed with the overwhelming diversity of SPH setup a solution had to be found to tackle it !
This solution is the generalized setups in a form of a graph where link pass PatchData from a to node to another one.
Node types¶
Node can be generators (e.g. lattice hcp, monte carlo, ...) modifiers (strechmapping, disc warp, ...) or combiners (Just combining the result of two other nodes).
Imagine a even number generator, a modifier (multiplier) that multiplies the result by 10, and a combiner.
The following should generate the list of even numbers multiplied by 10, twice.
Python wish¶
We want something that look like this to generate the graph above
When the wish come true¶
Well the answer is this PR.
It implements currently a way to generate a node and apply the resulting setup, but also: - LatticeHCPGenerator
With the current PR the sedov taylor setup for SPH is now
setup = model.get_setup()
gen = setup.make_generator_lattice_hcp(dr, bmin,bmax)
setup = model.get_setup()
gen1 = setup.make_generator_lattice_hcp(dr, (-xs,-ys/2,-zs/2),(0,ys/2,zs/2))
gen2 = setup.make_generator_lattice_hcp(dr*fact, (0,-ys/2,-zs/2),(xs,ys/2,zs/2))
comb = setup.make_combiner_add(gen1,gen2)