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Shamrock primitive types

In shamrock codebase, some binary utilities tend to be used. But the c++ standard doesn't specify the bit count of types such as int, float, ... In order to circuvent such issue. We rely on primitive types that have explicit bit count such as uint_32t, ... But they are cumbursome due to their ugly naming :). Hence to following type list

unsigned integers : u8, u16, u32, u64

signed integers : i8, i16, i32, i64

floating point numbers : f16, f32, f64

Here the prefix letter describe the nature of the object and the number, the number of bits. It is also possible to add a subscript with a number to specify a vector of such object exemple : f64_3 describe a dimension 3 f64 vector. The possible sizes are : 2,3,4,8,16


all of those types can be invoked using literals by specifying a value undescore the wanted type, exemple :

u64 a = 15486_u64