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Release process

Shamrock is released on a 6 months basis. The release process goes as follows.

Changing the version

We first change the version of the code :

Here the major version is the current year, and the minor version is the current month. Finally, the patch version indicate the minor release (bug fix or other).

The release branch

First, if this is a true release (opposed to a patch), we branch from main and name it release/<major>.<minor>.x.

The release workflow

We launch the Prepare release workflow on the release branch. This will generate the doc, the coverage info and the source code archive.

Creating the release

We then draft a new release on GitHub. The tag must be set to v<major>.<minor>.<patch>, and we set the target branch to release/<major>.<minor>.x. Then set the release name to Shamrock <major>.<minor>.<patch>.

Then generate the release note from the last tag.

For the files, add the documentation, license, and coverage, named Shamrock-<major>.<minor>.<patch>-<filename>, except for the license file that will be named LICENSE.

Finally, write the text and ... done !