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Coordinate Spaces

Patch Coordinates

Those represent an abstract coordinate space used by the patch system. they are vectors of u64 that evolve in the range [0,PatchScheduler::max_axis_patch_coord]

Contrary to other coordinates systems in shamrock they evolve in a closed interval
This is subject to change a some point to avoid inconsistencies in the code

They are manipulated using the class PatchCoord.

Object coordinates

Using the Scheduler with the class SimBox we can convert Patch coordinates to obj coordinates. Those are represented on a half open range [a,b[

// to change the bound of the obj coordinates

// to get the current obj coordinates bound

AMR Case

They are represented using half-open intervals of integers [0,max_amr[ The only criterion is that max_amr must divide PatchScheduler::max_axis_patch_coord_length

Using a offset + scalling the AMR integer coordinates can be seen as real floating point coordinates.

SPH case