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Communication Protocol

The idea of the communication protocol is to abstract the mpi part of communicating various objects in shamrock through the use of a wrapper buffer.


The type of protocol is selected when building the object, by passing a value of the Protocol enum as the last parameter, those can be either : - CopyToHost (copy from the device back to the host for the communication) - DirectGPU (communicate directly from the device) - DirectGPUFlatten (communicate directly from the device but by flattening any sycl vector type)

`DirectGPUFlatten` is to by-pass the bug of openmpi when sending structs with direct GPU

Building a buffer

To build a buffer you can either :

  • build it from size information you may have :
    CommDetails<...type...> det = ...;
    CommBuffer buf {det,DirectGPU};
  • build it from a copy of an object :
    CommBuffer buf {...obj...,DirectGPU};
  • build it from an object :
    CommBuffer buf {std::move(...obj...),DirectGPU};
  • build it from a copy of an object & specify infos:
    CommDetails<...type...> det = ...;
    CommBuffer buf {...obj...,det,DirectGPU};
  • build it from an object & specify infos:
    CommDetails<...type...> det = ...;
    CommBuffer buf {std::move(...obj...),det,DirectGPU};

Recovering data from a buffer

You can : - copy data back from the buffer :

CommBuffer buf;
auto obj = buf.copy_back();
- destruct the buffer and get the object :
CommBuffer buf;
auto obj = CommBuffer<..type...>::convert(std::move(buf));

Exemple use of a buffer

on the sender side :

CommBuffer buf {...obj to send..., DirectGPU};

CommRequests rqs;
buf.isend(rqs, 1,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);


on the receiver side :

CommDetails<sycl::buffer<T>> details;

details.comm_len = npart;

CommBuffer buf {details,DirectGPU};

CommRequests rqs;
buf.irecv(rqs, 0,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

sycl::buffer<T> buf_comp2 = buf.copy_back();