Dirty tricks¶
Fixing constructor issues (The dirty way)¶
if you have a class MyClass
having some custom constructors or deleted constructors. A way to avoid dealing with constructors issues is to wrap the class in a std::unique_ptr
Exemple :
struct MyClass{
int* ptr;
prt = new int(0);
delete ptr;
Such class is ill formed in a non trivial way because it doesn't follow the rule of Three/Five/whatever c++ weird mechanics.
But if you wrap this type in a std::unique_ptr
then it will behave correctly.
Container template¶
template< template<class> class Container >
class VariantContainer {
std::variant<Container<f32>,Container<f64>> variant;
Such Variant container can be used as such
template<class T>
struct Field{
std::vector<T> vec;
using VariantField = VariantContainer<Field>;
here VariantField is equivalent to a type like this :
class VariantField {
std::variant<Field<f32>,Field<f64>> variant;
Register function with static init¶
using fct_sig = std::function<void()>;
inline std::vector<fct_sig> static_init_fct_list {};
struct StaticInitClass{
inline explicit MPIDTypeinit(fct_sig t){
If in the code you write the following code block :
void fct_to_register(){...}
void (*fct_ptr)() =fct_to_register;
StaticInitClass static_init_instance (fct_ptr);
The function fct_to_register
will be in static_init_fct_list
when the main function is ran.
Defining a protocol with hiden implementation¶
enum ProtocolMode{
Mode1, Mode2, Mode3
namespace details{
template<class T, ProtocolMode mode>
class ProtocolImpl;
template<class T>
class VariantProtocol{public:
template<ProtocolMode mode>
using Impl = std::unique_ptr<details::ProtocolImpl<T,mode>>;
Impl<Mode1>, Impl<Mode2>, Impl<Mode3>
> var_protocol;
VariantProtocol(T arg, ProtocolMode mode){
case Mode1:
var_protocol = std::make_unique<details::ProtocolImpl<T,Mode1>>(arg);
case Mode2:
var_protocol = std::make_unique<details::ProtocolImpl<T,Mode2>>(arg);
case Mode3:
var_protocol = std::make_unique<details::ProtocolImpl<T,Mode3>>(arg);
throw std::invalid_argument("unknown mode");
void call(){
std::visit([](auto & protocol){
throw std::invalid_argument("the protocol is not initialized");
}, var_protocol);
int main(void){
float in = 0.f;
VariantProtocol prot {in, Mode1};
namespace details{
template<class T>
class ProtocolImpl<T,Mode1>{
T val;
ProtocolImpl(T arg) : val(arg) {}
void call(){
std::cout << "protocol mode 1 " << val << std::endl;
template<class T>
class ProtocolImpl<T,Mode2>{
T val;
ProtocolImpl(T arg) : val(arg) {}
void call(){
std::cout << "protocol mode 2 " << val << std::endl;
template<class T>
class ProtocolImpl<T,Mode3>{
T val;
ProtocolImpl(T arg) : val(arg) {}
void call(){
std::cout << "protocol mode 3 " << val << std::endl;