Mkdocs documentation

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Welcome to the documentation of the Shamrock code!

We can run some SPH, AMR, but not only that!

  • Quickstart

    Configure and run your first simulation using Shamrock

    Getting started

  • Python frontend

    You don't need to know about GPUs, C++ whatever, the frontend just require the use of python

    Python frontend documentation

  • Can run on any hardware

    Using SYCL run on any harware supported by a SYCL compiler.

    CPU : (x86, ARM, Risc-V, ... )

    GPU : (AMD, Nvidia, Intel GPU)


  • Features

    Shamrock has plenty of features, be sure to check the list to know what's available and to avoid duplicates.



The code is actively being developed, and this documentation is a work in progress! If you notice anything missing or areas that could be improved, feel free to raise an issue here.